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5 Alcohol Shot Side Effects You Should Be Mindful Of

It is fun to take shots of alcohol, but it can have a very dramatic effect on your body. As we consume more alcohol, the effects of shots on your body will only increase. Heavy drinking can be harmful to your health in the short- and long term. It increases your chances of getting liver disease, cancer and accidents. But even one shot of alcohol can have a cascade effect.

Alcohol that we consume mixes directly with our bloodstream in our stomach and small intestinal tract. It then reaches other organs such as the brain, kidneys and lungs, and liver. The liver is responsible for detoxifying the alcohol. If we make our liver detoxify large quantities of alcohol every day, this will cause other liver diseases.

Alcohol can be euphoric, but excessive consumption has a cost.

Increase Your Hunger
When we fast, the same part of our brain is activated. It can cause an increase in appetite and hunger, especially if you drink alcohol shots.

Lower core body temperature
When we drink alcohol, the blood vessel dilate. The blood flow increases. Increased blood circulation in the body is what makes you feel warmer. This can, however, lower your core body temperature.

Alcohol can make people feel very happy or very sad
Alcohol has a positive impact on the chemical dopamine, which is responsible for a feeling of well-being. Alcohol increases the secretion and release of dopamine, which is responsible for that feeling of happiness. When alcohol is consumed in moderation, this effect is temporary and positive. Regular alcohol consumption can alter our brain’s dopamine release, which is bad. Alcohol withdrawal can also lead to addiction. Alcohol highs are only temporary and can lead to depression and fatigue.

React with Medications
The alcohol we drink can also affect the medication that we take. It could cause them harm. The liver’s main job is to break down alcohol and medicines, and detoxify them.

You can lower your inhibitions
One drink will not make you dance on the tables or wake up wondering what you were doing. However, it may lower your inhibitions. After one drink, you may feel more talkative and relaxed.


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