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Reducing Breast and Prostate Cancer Risks: Incorporate Morning Exercise into Your Routine

A cancer diagnosis is a traumatic experience. The American Cancer Society says that you can prevent this by adopting healthy lifestyle habits. Researchers found that morning physical activity can reduce . Cancer can be caused by circadian disruption. This is the misalignment between environmental cues such as light, food intake and so on. Our endogenous rhythms. The majority of studies on and cancer risk were focused on night-shift work. Recent studies have suggested that late eating and exposure to light during the night may be factors in cancer etiology. To date, it is unknown whether the timing of physical activities can influence cancer risk via circadian disruption.

Researchers from Barcelona Institute for Global Health in Spain have discussed how physical activity can influence human circadian clocks, and suggested possible biological mechanisms. The team of researchers examined, in the International Journal of Cancer study, the impact of timing of physical activity on breast cancer and prostatic cancer in a population based case-control study.


Researchers hypothesized the benefit of long-term physical activity on cancer risk would be greater if done in the morning. The researchers based their hypothesis off the results of a study that showed physical activity done in the afternoon or evening could delay , a hormone known for its oncostatic properties and produced mostly at night. The analysis included 2 795 participants from the MCC-Spain study, which was conducted in Spain. Researchers found that physical activity performed regularly in the morning (between 8-10 am) had a very strong effect on reducing breast and prostate cancer risks.


Numerous studies have demonstrated that physical activity can reduce the risk of certain cancers. We list some of them.

Endometrial cancer

A study conducted at the Yale School of Public Health found that women who exercised 150 minutes or more a week were able reduce their risk of developing this cancer by 34%.  It is common among women. This condition is often caused by obesity.

Colorectal cancer

Reduce your risk of getting this cancer. If detected early, this cancer is preventable. You can prevent this cancer by making lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise.

Lung cancer

You can also avoid this cancer by exercising regularly. This is especially helpful for smokers who are currently or have been in the past. According to a study conducted at the University of Minnesota, women who exercise regularly are less likely than those with low levels of activity to develop.

Ovarian cancer

Regular exercise can help you reduce your risk of epithelial . Women who engage in high-intensity exercise have a lower risk of developing ovarian cancer than women who do not regularly exercise. Experts say that cardio workouts are best.

Gastric cancer

Daily moderate to vigorous exercise can reduce your risk of developing gastric cancer by up to 50%. In a study published in European Journal of Cancer, it was found that a strenuous workout three times a week reduced the risk of gastric cancer by up to 40% compared to those who only exercise once or twice a month.


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